You hike alone? You tow an RV by yourself? You travel the United States solo? Do you carry a gun? You can back up a 30 foot trailer? How much icecream did you eat? You are driving from Oregon to North Dakota this weekend? You backpack up mountains alone?

How do you find the courage? How are you so brave?

This post is different from many other posts I’ve written. It is not political. It is not really about your dog. It is about being a woman in today’s society. To answer the above questions: yup. I do ALL of those things by myself. I’m not married, my only kid is my dog, and I back up my 28 foot travel trailer on the first try, almost every time. And no, I am not afraid. Maybe I’m fearless, maybe I’m a badass. Mostly, I have crazy ideas and then I do them. You can too.

1. You Can Do Anything if You Believe It.

Be a traveling occupational therapist who lives in a camper. Goal: Met. Spend some time everyday, sharing love with people. Goal: Met. Climb South Sister Mountain in Oregon. Goal: Met. Backpack alone for the first time. Goal: Met. Take a fish off the fishing line. Goal: Met. Present OT research at a national level. Goal: Met.

I’m pretty awesome. But here’s the thing! SO. ARE. YOU. In those moments when you’re sitting there as a human being and you have these crazy ideas of what you want; all I can do is encourage you to first write a list of all the incredible things you’ve done. Validate how incredible you are! And also how incredible your dog is. Maybe you took that hike alone for the first time. Own it. It matters! Remember all you’ve done, so you can fearlessly face anything that comes your way.

2. What’s your Goal?

Write down that seemingly crazy dream you have. What will it take to get there? What small steps are necessary for this aspiration? Write them down. And start doing them! Not tomorrow, not when your dog is older and calmer, not when you have more time. Maybe the first step is to work on time management; and the second step is to take that time for yourself everyday. If you share your dream, and someone stomps it out; don’t change it! It’s YOURS. If you change your dream, or decide on something different, who cares? It’s YOURS. I just encourage each person reading this to take the time to find that adventure you want. What place do you want to travel to next? Is it a motorcycle dream, an adventure in a van? Maybe it’s just to get out of your home for a while and explore what else is out there. Whatever your goal, find it, believe it, and start walking toward it until you are there.

3. Consider Logistics

Traveling can be lonely sometimes, and it can be frightening at times too. There were wild fires that affected my traveling home just this past month and it was terrifying. I’ve had moments traveling across icy roads that were horrifying, times when I’ve had to trust my gut and leave a place that just didn’t feel safe. It isn’t necessarily easy; but if it were, you would see everyone traveling alone.

Some of the steps I’ve taken are to look at reviews for any place I want to visit. I make sure it’s dog friendly and I watch for any negative commentary; I pay attention to my gut about what each travel adventure might mean to me. And when I arrive somewhere that doesn’t feel right, I don’t hesitate to turn around. I have taken self defense, conceal and carry; and advanced awareness classes. The biggest lesson I’ve learned is the fact that I have power. Yes I am a small blonde girl, but I am powerful. Also, always trust your gut and share your location.

You can make a plan for your solo adventure, and share it with a loved one. Or you can be spontaneous with your solo travels, and keep in touch with the ones who care. My biggest advice is to find that support system and hold on to them! They are there to have your back, and you can also have theirs. They matter ♡

Own Your Space. Know Your Greatness. And BE LOUD.

You don’t need to have a blog or love to write to inspire people. The best way to remind those around us that we can do and be whatever we want to be- is to DO IT. Seriously, start chasing your traveling adventures, start training your dog to come along. Enjoy the small steps and when the time comes for the adventure: do not hesitate. Be bold, be you, and go get em.

My Feminist Rant

I love people. I have to be honest though, that having preconceived perceptions about people is NEVER a good idea. The man who looks like he is in the mafia, and turns out to be a priest- that is literally life. Asking if someone really travels alone- I mean, it’s spreading the notion that maybe people can’t do what they set their mind to, for some reason that may be based on how they act or look. Let’s just love each other, and believe in eachother. If you’re a man who has always wanted to hike the half dome at Yosmite- just go get that dream. If you’re a woman who wants to go skydiving by herself- why the heck not? We are all people, who want to find joy; we all work to enjoy every aspect of our lives and we want love and we want to share love. So let’s just support eachother in our endeavors, no matter how perceivably crazy they might sound. If you’ve been tempted to ask why a girl is not married, why she would be so brave to hike in the woods alone; maybe tell them they inspire you. Or ask questions about what is enjoyable for them. More than anything, let’s just believe in eachother and support eachother and take the first step toward adventure, together. End rant ♡

This is of course, quite the twist from my regular blogging routine. I am going to be honest, it has been a tough month on the road, yet I have just one more chapter left in the novel I’ve been writing. It’s been TWO YEARS of work, and it is nearly complete. It all started when I was asked if I could do anything in the entire world if fear wasn’t holding me back, what would I do? I would write a novel, to inspire people, especially women- that we are more than what people tell us we are.

I’ve been extremely inspired by the book and podcast, Unladylike. Emma Watson and her movement are also inspirations for my post this week. And definitely my best friend Demi, for always believing in my craziest ideas, my cousin Kim for believing in my novel and my blog, and my family for always supporting me.

I hope you all have enjoyed my post this week and will subscribe for more fun! In the mean time, happy trails and happy tails to you.

Find BarkingEmbarkers on Social Media! You can find us on our

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Check out our brand new Youtube Channel with a PCT “Captains Log” journal right here.

You can also ALWAYS reach out with questions by emailing us at

All stories, ideas and instructions were written and all photos were captured by Suzanne Vetter, unless stated otherwise. Suzanne is a Traveling Occupational Therapist who adventures around the United States (and the world sometimes) with her Dog, Chloe Rue.
All stories, ideas and instructions were written and all photos were captured by Suzanne Vetter, unless stated otherwise. Suzanne is a Traveling Occupational Therapist who adventures around the United States (and the world sometimes) with her Dog, Chloe Rue.


  1. This might be one of my favorite of your posts yet! It is so inspirational and after reading it I feel like I could do anything I set my mind to! Also you are a badass! But I love that you are so prepared and take so many classes! Gives me some peace of mind. Lol you also take the mist beautiful pictures and selfies! I’m so sorry you have been dealing with so much concerning the fires. I’m just glad you and Chloe are safe! And damn proud of you for finishing up your book during it all! Also loved the name drop you snuck in there..holla! 😉 Love you!

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