For those who are new to the blog, the ‘Adventures of Chloe Rue’ posts follow Chloe’s life adventures as we travel around the United States together in our camper. These posts were all written and experienced just under a year ago. Last month we recounted Chloe’s new found love for snow in- Adventures of Chloe Rue: Her First Snow.

Its not about the truck you drive, or the money you’re making; the camper you live in or the cleanliness of your dishes. It’s not about making decisions or debating pros and cons. It’s about living life, making connections, reveling in everything new; learning the cultures and experiencing everything that is waiting for you in this incredible world. The journey is so unpredictable and incredibly fast paced. Some people say it’s not worth it when you’re alone, or it’s better with good company. I agree to some degree. I like company. Specifically, the company of my dog. She relishes in the experience that is life equally, if not more enthusiastically than I ever could. The beauty she sees, the experiences she savors, makes me open my eyes to what I might have missed.

Acadia National Park

Birthdays are important to me. It’s a reminder that time never goes backwards, and every year marks a new season for new goals and experiences. I decided I would celebrate the end of my 25th year with a solo adventure. This was one of my favorite adventures.
It started in Acadia National Park. Have you ever been? Acadia is the kind of beautiful you see in an assortment of flowers- adorable Bar Harbor with its shops and themed pajama days, the rugged outdoors with Cadillac Mountain and Thunder Hole (it doesn’t sound like a fart, but maybe it should) and wildlife everywhere. Including a baby bear. That part was bone chilling.

I dreamed of catching the sunrise on Cadillac Mountain, so you better believe that’s where I spent the night. Chloe and I car camped; not her first time but certainly our coldest time. In the off season the park is less patrolled. No running water or bathrooms, so rangers didn’t seem to notice or care that I was sleeping in the additional parking spot.
The sunset was incredible, driving up the mountain. Chloe loved all of the smells, and when we got to the top it was dusk, and deserted. Chloe ran around off leash while I enjoyed the view. Ocean on one side, Fjord on the other and bar harbor in the distance. Incredible.

Most unfortunately, my birthday sunrise was cloudy. Rain and sleet filled the air, despite my excitement to be the first sun-touched person on my birthday. But when have I ever cared about plans that change? The rain was cold and it was hilarious to watch the tourists freeze on top the mountain.

This is Why I NEVER Make Plans

The best adventures are spontaneous. The best adventures involve embracing the unknown, chasing all that is exciting and discovering beautiful things. Chloe agrees. See, we would’ve loved to go to Prince Edward Island, but there are a few important things to know about Canada and one is that little girls in big trucks usually get searched. And certain legal things in the U.S. are illegal in Canada. And I managed to bring one of those illegal-to-Canada things along for my birthday trip. So I couldn’t cross the boarder.
How would most people handle this? Bringing yourself down because your plans changed? Feeling bad that you didn’t get to do what you wanted? Well, I don’t handle things that way anymore. Why bring myself down? I’m an incredible human being, I just forgot about one little thing. So here is when the best adventure begins- time to explore as much of Maine as humanly possible in 2 days.

I drove up to the north eastern most point of the United States- Lubec, Maine. The rain was falling, the ocean was roaring and it was one of the most incredible things I’ve ever seen.
Chloe didn’t complain about Canada. In fact she was STOKED to play in the rain and explore a gorgeous ocean side hike.

The Coast

We continued our trek down the coast, where I found a hike leading to this beautiful island for a puffin habitat. The woods was gorgeous and the rain had calmed. Though all the puffins were in Ireland breeding when I was looking for them, I found them this summer when I was in Ireland. They fly back and forth across the Atlantic every year! Such incredible animals, and SO funny when they fly! These photos are a mix from Ireland and Maine.

Bangor, Maine

Night was falling, and there was more to see! We found a dog- welcome local hotel in Bangor that was extremely well kept! Chloe got herself a ton of treats, a cute little bear and rode an elevator for the first time. She did fantastically, and loved this themed hotel!
We found Steven King’s house, caught our biggest stalker in action- Paul Bunyon followed us from Minnesota! Then the final adventure began. It was the marshmallow on the cocoa, the whipped creme on the pupachino, the highlight for sure.

The Forks, Maine

When I was in 5th grade, the class had to choose a state to research. Mine was Maine, and I fell in love. I could imagine the trees filled with owls, the waterfalls and the mountains. I dreamt of the ocean and how the salt and pine would smell. Since that moment, I dreamt of living in Maine.
When I was in 11th grade, the class did a careers project. We bought a pretend house, car, and budgeted everything according to where we would work. I chose a mountain side home in Forks, Maine near Plesant Pond. There were mountains everywhere, the ocean wasn’t far, and a beautiful waterfall roared away nearby. And I continued to dream of this random place I found on the map.
So naturally, for my 26th birthday I went to explore this town. The town itself was not very impressive- there was actually a man holding a shot gun sitting on an old fold up lawn chair at the end of his drive way. That was real.

But the waterfall was also definitely real, and INSANELY beautiful. The property on pleasant pond had sold, and because I had Chloe I didn’t want to risk dying by shot gun. But we had a BLAST at Moxie Falls!

Goal: MET

What’s on your bucket list if you have one? I have a pre-30 bucket list. Going to Forks, Maine actually wasn’t a part of it. But chasing adventure, finding beauty, laughing at Chloe’s crazy antics and letting dreams become reality- that’s the best part of life. And on my birthday, that goal was absolutely, 110% obtained.

Thanks for following the grand adventures of Chloe Rue on Barking Embarkers! Please share, subscribe, join the Facebook group, ask questions but most importantly- emBARK on your adventures! Chase your tails- or dreams. Up to you guys. Thanks again! Happy Tails!

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All stories, ideas and instructions were written and all photos were captured by Suzanne Vetter, unless stated otherwise. Suzanne is a Traveling Occupational Therapist who adventures around the United States (and the world sometimes) with her Dog, Chloe Rue.