It’s story time! For those who are new here, I have kept a record of Chloe’s and my adventures during our travels! I write and publish these about a year after they happen, for various reasons, but mostly per my grandma’s advice. And I don’t know about you, but you ALWAYS listen to your Grandma’s advice- they know. Here we Go! Brace yourselves, it’s time for an enticing, incredible, thrilling and heart wrenching: A Tail of Chloe Rue (I know its tale, I just can’t help it).

Before we get into our fun adventure today, I wanted to thank everyone for all of your words of support after the Oregon Wildfires took my camper home. I know so many of yall are excited to hear the story; but I’m going to hold off until I am ready for the full tale. It’ll be good, for now I hope you enjoy hearing about another Minnesota Summer ♡

Summer of Minnesota, 2019

Chloe and I found ourselves in southern Minnesota for another summer! We had an amazing time, with the camper parked in Hardwick, MN in a teeny tiny campground that was mostly deserted for the entire summer. We creepily watched baseball games from our parking spot, as the field was right next to us, and Chloe had a blast practicing off leash training in the baseball field!

I spent 3 weeks of my summer abroad, in London and Ireland! It was unbelievably incredible, cruising up the Wild Atlantic Way, falling asleep to the sound of “bahh”ing lambs, eating icecream that had pop rocks inside of it! I loved Ireland! London was also really cool. I really loved that I could put myself in the shoes of Harry Potter, or the number of other books that took place in London. Chloe loved her “farmcation” spending the three weeks on my parent’s farm but we were REALLY glad to be reunited after our time apart!

The summer of 2019 was full of camping trips with friends, kayaking and lake days with Chloe Rue, and exploring the coolest spots of Southern Minnesota and South Dakota, like Blue Mounds State Park, Palisades State Park and Falls Park.

But my favorite Chloe Story from the summer of 2019 was definitely, certainly, the time she had the class and grace to crash a wedding.

The Ceremonious Poop

Let me just start by saying the bride (who might be reading this- we love you Savannah!) had no idea Chloe was there for the duration of the wedding. The groom, one of my college besties, was SO excited Chloe crashed the wedding, and did not mind in the slightest!

It all started with my college roommates, myself and some other friends getting a local airbnb during the wedding weekend. Naturally we took the truck; with Chloe inside of it to the wedding! Dressed in our wedding best, Chloe did a great job covering us with her darkest hairs, cuddling with every person in the truck on the way to the church.

After going through the reception line, I mentioned to the groom’s family that Chloe was waiting for us in the truck. Naturally all of the many friends wanted to see her! So I brought her out into the church yard where she greeted many friends. I distinctly remember the mother of the groom saying- wouldn’t it be so funny if she pooped in the church yard? After the wedding party went onto their bus, Chloe wandered around and looked like she had to poop.

Normally, I don’t mind Chloe poop. I mean, its just what dogs do. But when wearing heels and your wedding best, it’s harder to keep a poop bag in your nonexistant pockets. It’s also probably not the best practice to poop in a church yard with a crowd of onlookers.

And poop she did! Right in the church yard, in front of the entire party bus. She was as shameless as any happy dog! And I did a walk of shame back to the truck for a poop bag. And then I did the search of shame, trying to find where she pooped. Many were entertained, and I’ll be honest; it was pretty funny. We did find the poop eventually, and saved the church yard from Chloe’s stomach contents.

Dancing with my Dog

The wedding dinner was a blast, followed by the wedding reception! Chloe likes to spend time in the truck, with her crate, water and food. She is quite comfortable! It was also a perfect temperature for her. However I did want to make sure she got her regular dinner and walk in; and of course, a number of the wedding party wished to join me. During the dance I was asked to bring Chloe up multiple times, but I was worried about her ears with the loud music and refused! So many “dance breaks” were taken outside, and included Chloe. She got to show off all of her tricks, (multiple times) and listened to many conversations about love, weddings, and traveling.

What to Know about Wedding Crashing with your Dog

The first and most important thing I learned from this awesome experience, is to always stuff your bra with a doggy poop bag. And when you leave a poop behind, remember to mark it somehow! I also learned the true value of lint rollers. But more than anything, that people love dogs in weddings! Chloe had a great experience greeting friends of various levels of intoxication and being present with all of the fun. It may not be for every dog, and she might have been happier napping all evening, but she had a great time being included in the festivities. I would definitely bring Chloe to future weddings (just maybe not my sisters).

Where is the most embarrassing spot your dog has ever pooped? Has anyone else ever brought their dog to a wedding, invited or not invited? I hope you all enjoyed this story of another Chloe Rue adventure! Stay tuned for more dogventure stories and fun! In the mean time, happy tails and happy trails to you all ♡

Find BarkingEmbarkers on Social Media! You can find us on our Instagram, TikTok, & Blue Sky pages @barkingembarkers. We are also on Facebook, but less active on our page at this time.

Check out our brand new Youtube Channel with a PCT “Captains Log” journal right here.

You can also ALWAYS reach out with questions by emailing us at

All stories, ideas and instructions were written and all photos were captured by Suzanne Vetter, unless stated otherwise. Suzanne is a Traveling Occupational Therapist who adventures around the United States (and the world sometimes) with her Dog, Chloe Rue.
All stories, ideas and instructions were written and all photos were captured by Suzanne Vetter, unless stated otherwise. Suzanne is a Traveling Occupational Therapist who adventures around the United States (and the world sometimes) with her Dog, Chloe Rue.


  1. I love your puns! Pun queen! I was curious about the 1 year tell a story after it happens? What was your grandma’s logic behind it? Because I might have to adopt this rule as well! Lol oh Chloe! Sounds like such a fun wedding and wouldn’t have been the same without her! I love the stuff your bra with a poop bag trick I’m going to remember that one!

    1. Lol!! We had so much fun! It’s advice from our grandma! She always worried about someone knowing where I was living and internet stalkers. So she encouraged me to never write our story as it happens 🤷‍♀️

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