The absolute best part about being a traveling health care professional, is the time off you can take between jobs.

I’m working a permanent job right now, and it’s great. But let’s be honest: two weeks of PTO? Per year?! Don’t worry, if you stay for three years, then you get three weeks of PTO! I’m sorry- I am wanting to be abroad for months, to through hike all of the trails, to build a tiny house- and two weeks is just not quite enough. Three weeks though… that’s just plenty (sarcasm). Man I hope my bosses aren’t reading this. I do love my work team! And I do plan to stick around there for a bit longer.

Chloe and I have missed all of you, and are SO sorry for our lapse in blogging! I have experienced some pretty tough writers block here recently, and inspiration is the hardest thing to create.

Thankfully, with summer coming and Chloe snuggling my toes, my fingers are once again producing words to share with you all.

Pacific Crest Trail: Summer of 2023

Now if you follow me on social media, you might notice I’ve found myself involved with a male human (possibly vampire) (or alien) who loves to travel, write, pet dogs and chase adventure just as much as I do. I’ve found myself a partner folks, and it is absolutely awesome! He just announced his plan to hike the Pacific Crest Trail, and believe it or not, I hope to join him. I plan to stick to the Oregon and Washington trails though, because Chloe and I are both animals who do NOT like the heat. Plus, Oregon and Washington are NEARLY completely pet friendly, while California has National Park areas where pets are not allowed.

Meet Seth, my partner

Why am I talking about a hike that’s going to happen in the future? Hopefully anyway, if all goes according to plan? Well, my Chloe dog needs to train. I need to train. I absolutely refuse to bring a dog who normally walks 3 miles a day, into a situation where 10 miles a day must happen. As an occupational therapist I have a thorough understanding of the muscle system, and while dogs are tough; they need training for endurance hikes just as much as humans do.

Reasons to Not Bring My Chloe Dog

I have read SO many horror stories about dogs on overnight trips you guys. I’m one of those girls who sits around the campfire and shares the stories she heard from search and rescue groups about the dogs who had to be rescued VIA HORSE from South Sister Mountain. Or the dog who was not able to be carried and suffered heat stroke for two days before getting proper medical attention.

Through hiking is not easy, for humans or for dogs. Climbing mountains, in elevation is REAL and tough, and it is not for your average pet who has one to two daily walks.

I read about a dog who cut his foot on a rock- just a simple cut. But the cut turned into an infection, and the infection became extremely dangerous in a short amount of time. The hiker had to leave the trail and find medical support asap for their animal, who thankfully survived.

I will never forget the crippling fear, when Chloe ate that glass jar of peanut butter. When she was in surgery and I had nothing to do except pray (and eat an entire pizza). Submitting her to that experience again is something I NEVER want to do. Therefore, we respect the dangers of through-hikes and plan to prepare thoroughly.

All of this is to say: if you have a pup and you want to hike the Pacific Crest Trail, know the dangers. Know that it is stressful for them at times. And make a plan to plan a plan, to support your dog in living her best adventure.

What’s my Plan?

Great question. My plan, is to first, talk to Chloe’s veterinarian, to check her muscle, bone and general health systems. Given the okay, we will start training!

Second, Chloe must meet the goal of running/biking ten miles per day by next year in order to be safe to through hike the Pacific Crest Trail.

Third, we will practice multi-day overnight hikes 1-2 times a month to get her ready for altitude, and plan for anything that might happen so we can be ready!

Last, we have some pretty specific support planned for actually hiking the trail. I hope to join Seth (my maybe alien vampire partner) in Northern California, where we will go for a couple of weeks before Crater Lake. I will constantly assess my Chloe girl, and if she is happy, healthy and ready to continue after two weeks, we will do so. I hope to continue to have that support; that option for Chloe to rest in the real world after two weeks at a time on the trail. That way if she does feel fatigue, stress, or any reason she must discontinue the trek, I will have a plan in place.

Of course, an emergency plan is also in place. We have our emergency halter, so I can carry her if need be; our booties to protect those cute little paws, and a garmin that allows us to communicate with the outside world.

Why must I bring Chloe with on my through hiking adventure? Well, Chloe loves these beautiful forests in the Pacific North West. She loves the soft trodding of her feet on the trail and the exciting chirps from chipmunks. She savors the sweet smell (multipled by millions to her nose) of the pine trees in the mountains, and relishes the warm nights huddled in our tent or Hammock. Chloe loves the trail. She lives for adventure and relishes in it. I can’t imagine taking on such an impressive adventure, without my good girl at my side. We support eachother every single day, and if there is a dog well equipped for the PCT, this rescue mix of mine- while she is calm, chill and happy with snuggles; her happiest smiles are those on the trail.

Stay tuned…

If you’re thinking-WOAH Suzanne and Chloe and her partner Seth (and his dog Freyja) are SO cool I can’t wait to hear more! You’re in luck! I plan to continue to keep you guys updated on our adventures in preparing to hike the Oregon/Washington portion of the PCT!

I also plan to get back to our adventure stories, travel tip stories and much more.

Has anyone reading hiked the PCT? What was your trail name? Any other dog horror stories from through hikes? Any successful stories?

As always, endless thanks for your support! Check out my photography, send me an email to say hi, or send me a shout via the socials. Sending happy trails and happy tails to you.

Subscribe here for more Doggy fun!

Find BarkingEmbarkers on Social Media! You can find us on our Instagram, TikTok, & Blue Sky pages @barkingembarkers. We are also on Facebook, but less active on our page at this time.

Check out our brand new Youtube Channel with a PCT “Captains Log” journal right here.

You can also ALWAYS reach out with questions by emailing us at

All stories, ideas and instructions were written and all photos were captured by Suzanne Vetter, unless stated otherwise. Suzanne is a Traveling Occupational Therapist who adventures around the United States (and the world sometimes) with her Dog, Chloe Rue.
All stories, ideas and instructions were written and all photos were captured by Suzanne Vetter, unless stated otherwise. Suzanne is a Traveling Occupational Therapist who adventures around the United States (and the world sometimes) with her Dog, Chloe Rue.